Enhancing Energy Security in Tagoba Jamoat – Assessment of the micro hydro power plant
Funded by: OSCE
Date: 2013
The overall aim of the project is to contribute to energy security and energy rehabilitation in the Tagoba Jamoat through improved use of the water resources at the local level, and by promoting economic stability and prosperity to the local population.
Assess the operational status of the MHPP in Tagoba Jamoat, including a list of all existing equipment.
Prepare specifications for hydro-electrical equipment and additional goods and works needed to increase the capacity of the existing MHPP to approximately 50 KW based on site visits and existing documents and in coordination with the State Agency for Energy Supervision (SAES) and relevant authorities.
Provide technical drawings as a part of the assessment, in relation to the specifications for hydro-electrical equipment and additional goods.
Based on the assessment of additional goods and works needed (including necessary constructions works and spare parts to operate the MHPP with a capacity of approx. 50 KW) and the technical specifications for hydro-electrical equipment, provide a Bill of Quantities and Cost estimation to assess the financial requirements for upgrading the MHPP.